
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Boy Room Redo

Do you remember back in October when I talked about making beds out of pallets?  Well.  I sanded down two of the eight pallets that I needed to make the two beds and then....well then I quit.  Because hello.  That's a lot of work.

I wasn't sure what I would do, but I knew that the bed making business was not something I was going to be a part of anytime soon.  know thyself.  not just a clever saying.

Fast forward a couple of months....well, five to be exact....and I was talking to my friend, Rachel (the same friend who gave me the pallets), about the failed pallet beds and how I just would probably end up buying bunk beds from Ikea.  And she said, "Oh.  I didn't know you were wanting bunk beds.  We're selling ours.  Along with a tall dresser.  And a desk."

And I said, "Get out of town!"  

Ok not really.  But I was super excited because not only was I getting the beds I wanted for a great price but I was really wanting to get a tall dresser for the boys' room, too.  Patience, people.  It really pays off.

So for the past few weeks I've been slowly painting the bunk beds and the dresser a nice blue (Valspar's Indigo Cloth from Lowes to be precise).  And then on Sunday we had a crazy snowstorm blow in and we ended up being home all day.  So I ran to Lowes and had them color match Benjamin Moore's Coventry Gray and I painted the boys' room, too.

I'm now starting to see actual progress which I love.

Here is what their room looked like before:
And here is what it looks like now:
Next on the list is to paint the ceiling, take down the ceiling fan and put up a fun light, find or make some pulls for the dresser, figure out something for the closet doors (because the bi-fold doors have to go), and find some fun vintage star wars or super hero posters.

Slowly but surely the room is changing and I'm loving it.  Have you done and major changes in your home recently?


  1. Kirkland's at the Glenbrook Mall had a bunch of comic book super hero wall art. They were made to look vintage, though obviously not. Affordable though!


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