
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

White Wreath

Remember our 'Wreath Week' a few weeks ago?  Do you also remember how the beginning stages of my wreath were not working out so great?  Well, in the middle of figuring out a better way to make that wreath I also made another wreath, as a back up.

Since my mama is a crafty lady, I called her up and asked for help.  She talked me through how she made rag wreaths when I was younger.  She used pinking shears, cut the fabric into squares and pushed the pieces into the wreath.  Although hers were pretty cool looking, I wanted to put my own little spin on the wreath, so instead of squares I tried circles.

I traced a canning lid about 300 times with my vanishing marker so I wouldn't have any pen lines.  Then cut them out.  

I promise it wasn't as bad as it sounds.  300 is a lot, but I was not being my usual perfectionist self, because once they get placed on the wreath no one will ever know if it was a perfectly cut circle.

Next, I folded the circles in half, and then in half again.

I placed a small screwdriver under one layer of the folded circle, and pushed it into the straw wreath.

I fluffed the circle a bit, and it looked like a flower.  Repeat 300 more times.
Don't worry, I had several assistants to help me.

We finished the wreath, and hung it up.   I had the realization that I may be blogging too much.  My daughter ran to get her camera to take a photo of the finished project.  The wreath was cute, but not my most favorite project in the world.  It was a little on the plain side. 

Do you see what I mean?

Five year old daughter to the rescue!  She broke her play pearl necklace, and as I was scooping up the beads to toss them she shouted, 'No!  We can reuse them mama!'  She is the recycling/reusing/upcycling queen in this house.  She then informed me we should put them on the wreath to make it fancy (she also has a mild obsession with Fancy Nancy).  So we pulled out some white pipe cleaners, glued the beads to them and pushed them into the wreath.

She was right, it did give it that little something it was missing before.

I am contemplating putting a red ribbon on it, that can be switched out for the different seasons/holidays.  Until I get around to that, I think it looks lovely just this way.

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