Thursday, October 24, 2013

Color Blocked Infinity Scarf

Making infinity scarves is very easy.  I made a scarf for myself but then didn't want to get out of my pajamas to take pictures of it on me.  (just keepin' it real for ya.)  So I had Emily wear it for me and she loves it!  So I guess the scarf could work for a little one, too.  Hooray for happy accidents!

About a month ago, a few friends and I tried making maxi skirts.  We didn't have the greatest of success.  We quickly realized that when using knits, it is always best to start with something super simple and then work your way up to more complicated projects.  A few weeks later, my friend Bekah, sent me this picture and asked me, "How do you like my skirt?"

She had turned her failed skirt into an infinity scarf (yay for lemonade out of lemons!).  I knew that if she could do it, then anyone could.  (No offense to my friend, but even she will admit that she is pre-beginner.)

Bekah inspired me to make a tutorial for all of you in blogland.  You can make an infinity scarf out of whatever material you choose.  But knits are really nice to use because they stretch and you don't have to worry about them fraying.  Here are my top three tips for sewing with knits.

#1:  Change your needle to a universal ball point needle.  This type of needle has more of a rounded point. 

#2)  Check your machine's manual and find out what stitch it recommends for sewing with knits.  I have a Singer and the manual recommends using the stitch in the picture below.  It basically ensures that your thread doesn't break when the material is stretched and also that your machine doesn't jam when sewing.  Trust me, no one wants to deal with a jammed machine.

#3)  Finally, when you are sewing, do Not stretch your fabric.  You might be tempted to pull on it, but don't.  Just let it lay flat, guide the material, and allow the machine to do the work.

If you follow these three rules, you should be able to easily make this infinity scarf.  I promise you, as long as you follow your machine's instruction manual and have the right kind of needle, you will be able to make your own beautiful scarf!

Let's do this :)

You can make your scarf as long and as wide as you prefer.  These are the measurements for the one I made.

-1 main piece (stripes):  60" long X 16" wide
-1 small piece (pink):  10" long X 16" wide (I would have made this probably 20" long, but didn't have enough material on hand.)

Place your small piece on top of your main piece, right sides together, pin straight across and sew.

This is what it will look like on the right side when you have done that step.

Next, fold your material in half the long ways, pin and sew.

It is best to start sewing at the color blocked end to ensure that your seams are lined up.  If you start at the other end, there may be a slight shift with the material and your two sections won't line up nicely.

You'll now have one long tube.  Turn it right side out.

Now start to slide one end inside out up the tube.

You want to take it all the way so that the two ends are lined up and the right sides are against each other.

Pin and sew the tube shut, but leave a small opening.  Do not sew all the way around or you won't be able to flip it right side out.

Here is the opening that I left.

Pull the scarf through the opening and then sew that spot shut.  You can hand stitch if you want it to be invisible.  I am lazy and no one will ever notice such a small spot and so I use my machine.

Your scarf is complete!  Sew easy! :)

The total cost of my material was $7.85.  I have enough to make another scarf and so that means this scarf only cost me $3.93 and about an hour of my time.  Not too shabby!  

Have you tried sewing with knits?  If so, what are your tips?
If you haven't, try making this scarf this weekend!  It will make someone in your life very happy!


  1. You have the cutest models, displaying your "sew wears." Have you ever thought of recycling various old t-shirts? It may have a patchwork affect piecing several together to get the length require.

    1. That is a great idea! I actually bought a scarf like that from Uncommon Goods for a friend a few years ago. I'd forgotten about it. I guess I'll have to start hoarding my husband's old tshirts now ;)


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