
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lava Lamp: With a Scientist

I suggested to my daughter we do a science experiment.  

So, of course to my daughter that meant getting dressed up in proper attire.
Face Mask.

You don't need any of those for this experiment, but she thought she was pretty much awesome.

What you do need is:
Vegetable Oil (the cheapest you can find)
Alka Seltzer (we went through about 6 of the tablets before we lost interest)
Food coloring 
Tall container to pour everything in

First, add the food coloring to the water.

Next, pour the oil in the tall vase.

Pour the colored water in.  

Watch it swirl around, and make pretty bubbles.

After the oil and water separate, break the Alka Seltzer tablets in two and drop them in one piece at a time.

Ta-Da!  Bubbles.  Lots of bubbles.

No pictures I have found online (thus far) really do this experiment justice.  That may be why it has taken me so long to do get around to doing it.

Have you tried this with your kiddos before?

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