I will freely admit that a lot of my creative ideas come straight from pinterest. I will also freely admit that 80% of the crafts that I try either never get finished or don't look at all like the pin. The other 20% may have a finished product close to what I wanted it to look like but when I take pictures they aren't nearly as lovely as the original pin. That's because I'm a certified imperfect blogger :) Maybe someday I will have better photography skills, but today is not that day.
Here are three projects that I pinned, I tried and I found them to be successful. You can judge whether you think so or not. I won't mind. If you click on the links, you'll see the original pinned project. The pictures in this post are all mine. Oh yes--I am unashamed :)
This was an easy project. The only downside was that the honeycomb balls had to be ordered in groups of 12. So, unlike the original project, my garland only has two colors. I changed it up with lots of different colored cones.
#2: Pom Poms
Super fun and super easy. I used my two fingers to wrap the yarn around to make the pom poms and then glued them on to the end of pens. My kids think they're a riot.
#3: Yard Jenga
This was the most rewarding to finish. It is going to be enjoyed for many many years. This project was a bit time consuming (I about went mad with hours of sanding), but it was so so so worth it.
Now it is your turn. How many of your pinterest projects are you happy with the end result?