
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Dress From Daddy's Shirt

About a year ago, I came across this picture on Pinterest.  Have you seen it?

I was instantly in love with the idea.  I grabbed my husband's shirt and had my scissors in hand, then I took another look at this picture.  For the life of me, I could not figure out, how the dress would work because where the seams are in that photo are not where the seams should be (at least not from my experience). 

I was bummed, and put the scissors and shirt away.  

Fast forward to about 4 months ago, I decided to try this idea again, because my husband had handed me all is shirts he wanted to get rid of.  That idea of turning one of the shirts into a dress was too adorable to resist.  I used the bottom half of a well-loved current dress from my daughter's closet, and I pulled out my sewing patterns and picked sleeves that would work well with elastic running through the top of the dress.

I finished, and it just seemed to big around the middle for my liking.  It looked a little too much like a tent.  I chalked it up to another lesson learned, and handed it to my daughter to put in her dress up clothes for play.  I also deleted all the photos I took so I am sorry to stay I don't really have a tutorial here now.

Fast forward to this last weekend.  We were getting ready to go visit my in-laws, and my accessory loving girl asked what kind of clothing Nancy Drew would wear.  She came walking into my bedroom at 6 a.m. Sunday morning in this.

"Hey mama, does this look like a Nancy Drew outfit?  Where is my magnifying glass?"

Blurry eyed, I rolled over and looked at her.  I was impressed with her outfit, and realized she was totally right.  The dress just needed a belt.

Now, in all honesty, I am not really sure if Nancy Drew would actually wear something like this, but the dress did end up working for us, after quite some time.....

Do you have any stories like this where you thought your creation should hit the trash can, but alas it worked out after all?

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