
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

DIY Baby Bibs and Burp Cloths

I have made a lot of  baby bibs and burp cloths over the past few years so when I found out my cousin was expecting her first child, I knew immediately that I wanted to make her some as part of her baby shower gift.  She and her husband decided not to find out what they were having, so I went on the hunt for some gender neutral fabric.  I ended up choosing a flannel polka dot fabric and a cotton ABC fabric.  After pre-washing and drying the fabrics, I was ready to go.

I decided to do the burp cloths first.  I have made different styles but my favorite is still using pre-fold diapers and adding a bit of color with the fabric down the center.  These seem to cover well and have great absorbency if you have a baby that spits up a lot.  I have found pre-fold diapers at Walmart, Babies R Us and Target; my favorite ones for the feel and thickness were from Target.  The supplies I used for the burp cloths were fabric scissors, sewing pins, the pre-fold cloths (pre-washed also) and the fabric. 

I am not a big measurer if it isn't a necessity and with these you really don't have to be precise.  I just cut my fabric about an inch longer on each end and same with the width. 

Next, I folded under the sides and pinned it on the pre-fold diaper cloth and then did the ends the same way so it was ready to sew.

...and they are finished! Just sew around the edges with a color of thread of your choice, remove your sewing pins and they are complete.  Pretty easy and super cute!

Next, I moved on to making matching baby bibs.  I used the template found HERE.  I printed it out and just pin it on my fabric and cut around it. 

For the backing, I really like using a terry cloth fabric.  It is the priciest part of my project, but it holds up well and I like the look of it.  I have purchased this fabric at both Walmart and JoAnn's and like them both.  I pin the fabric that I just cut out with the pattern facing the floor and cut around it. 

After I have everything cut out, I sew all around the edges leaving approximately 1.5 inches opened for turning it right side out. I also clip the corners before I turn it right side out. 

Next is the fun part of turning it right side out to finish it up. 

Once that is done, I pinned the opened part of the bib closed and top stitched all around the bib once again.

The sewing is done! Last step is putting the clasp on and I actually enlist my hubby for help on this one. He doesn't complain and does a great job so why not??
The kids like to get in on the action too when daddy is putting on the finishing touches by watching and helping hand him the individual fasteners.
These are the clasps that I use on all of the baby bibs I make.  I purchase them at Walmart.
The finished product!  My cousin opened her gift at her shower this past weekend and loved them.  I'm looking forward to seeing them on her sweet babe! 
What is your favorite DIY baby shower gift idea?


  1. It's nice to see that your little ones are helping their daddy. You and your family did a very great job! The bibs turned out so lovely!

  2. Nice family pics, kids are learning something creative with their daddy and you did great job, nice bibs you made.thanks for sharing this post.Photo Booth in Calgary

  3. Lovely to at your family all working together, that is so cute. Love the bibs too.


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