
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mr. Owl

Last week I exposed to the whole wide world (or maybe just to those that read this blog) the projects that have been waiting patiently in the basement for me to finish.  I am happy to report that I can FINALLY check one off of the list!  Mr. Owl got a makeover and he's never looked so fine :)

Does everyone remember what he started out looking like--dirty, dusty, grimy?
The poor guy needed help.  So I gave him a sudsy bath and then pulled out my painting supplies.
I used the liquid sander.  It works great for making sure you get any stickiness or grime off that a simple washing won't get.
Next, I primed.  I don't alway prime before spray painting but I knew this would get handled a lot and wanted to prevent chipping.
I sprayed three or four light coats of Valspar's Indigo Cloth.
And then because I chose to spray paint on an extremely humid and rainy weekend, the poor guy had to sit, decapitated, on my counter for about a week until he was completely dry and not sticky feeling.
One week later--here he is completely finished!
The kids are excited to have a real cookie jar and have been singing "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?" more times than I can count.  I'm just glad to hear something other than "the snow blows cold on the mountain tonight not a footstep to be seen...".

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