
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Land of Nod Knock-Off

A few weeks ago after a MomLife meeting (our town's version of mops), I was shown this picture by another mom. 

She had torn it out of a magazine and asked if I could make one for her.  I love challenges like this where I can make something that I've not done before.  Here is my version.

It isn't an exact replica but I still like it and my little girl couldn't stop talking about the 'pretty pillows'.  When the four year old is impressed, I consider it a success :)  It wasn't too complicated to make either.  Purchase material in the colors of your choice.  With the material folded in half, sketch the design and cut it out so you end up with two pieces.  Sew them together leaving a small opening.  Turn right side out, iron and topstitch.  Stuff with pillow stuffing and sew the opening shut.  I then used fishing line and attached it to the top of each individual piece.  Place a command hook on your wall or ceiling.  Tie the fishing line to the hook at whatever height you prefer.  Step back and admire the results!

I think this same technique could be used for the first letter of your child's name, your child's favorite animal or the outline of a famous building like the Eiffel tower or Empire State building.  Such fun and cute decor only limited by your imagination!


  1. It's a relief to know I am not the only one that asks you to create random gifts/home decor...
    Plus, I LOVE this!!! Too cute

    1. These projects are my favorites to do! So glad to be asked to do random things!


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