
Friday, May 16, 2014

Gift Pots for Grandma

For Mother's Day I chose yet another project out of a Family Fun magazine.  This one titled "Hairy Potters" was in the March issue, pg 18.  First I gathered all my materials.  You can use a flower pot with all smooth sides but I chose these small lavender pails with polka dots.  Pencil cups would work great as well.
Print a photograph large enough for the person's head to cover most of the pail.  The pails were roughly four inches tall so I printed 5x7 photos. Cut around the head shape then chop off part of the forehead.   Cut the contact paper to be just a few inches taller than the pot and wide enough to wrap all around it.  Peel off the backing and center the head face down on the top edge of the paper.  Now wrap the paper around, smoothing out any bubbles as you go.  My pails ended up being a little difficult with the handles.  I had to use an x-acto knife to try and get around them and the paper didn't exactly cooperate around the circle, so my suggestion would be find something without handles:)   The boys went with me to Lowe's and picked out a plant for each Grandma to give on Mother's Day.  The Grandma's definitely got a kick out of these.

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