
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DIY Tulip Art


We planted some tulip bulbs last fall in our front landscaping and they came up this spring.  My daughter has been super excited about them and daily asks to go and see how they are doing.  She was rather bummed to know that they would soon be gone.  I found an idea for DIY tulip art on pinterest, so I decided to give it a try with her so her 'tulips' could last longer.

For this craft, you will need either a piece of paper or an art canvas depending on how you want to display your finished project.  We opted for a canvas because I wanted to keep this artwork long term.  We also used acrylic paints of various colors, some paintbrushes and a fork.  I tried using plastic forks in an attempt for easier clean up, but it didn't work because of all of the grooves on the bottom.  I practiced on a piece of paper to see how they would come out before we moved on to our canvas.  I also tried using a regular size fork and for the size of canvas we had, I didn't like the look of it.  We have 2 smaller silver forks that the kids use and those were perfect for what we wanted. After each color, we just washed the paint brush and the fork thoroughly and dried it before we moved onto the next. 

We applied a generous amount of paint to the bottom of the fork for each 'tulip'. 

When we put the fork down on the canvas, we rocked the fork up and down to make sure that the paint was evenly distributed.  If you don't do this, then only the bottom or top of the fork will show up. 

We chose 4 different colors but you can do as many or little as you want. 

I helped paint the stems and grass to finish it off and we were finished! It looks super cute up on our mantle and will be artwork that I will cherish for a long time.

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