
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Project 333

It's Spring!
And it's Spring Cleaning time!
Have you heard of Project 333?  I came across it last year when my family was getting ready to move to another state for 4 months.  We lived in a hotel, and had very little space, so I researched 'minimal wardrobes' and Project 333 is what I found.  In a nutshell, it is 33 articles of clothing for 3 months (but I suggest you check out the link to get a better understanding of the whole premise).  

Since we have been back to Indiana, I have been pregnant and had a baby, and have been in at least 3 different sizes of clothing.  My closet no longer contained a mere 33 items.  It was closer to 70ish.

I am a little embarrassed to show how messy my closet was getting.  Between having a baby, and slacking off on putting stuff away, it was in desperate need of a cleaning.  So, my weekend project was spring cleaning my side of the closet. 

Yes, that photo above shows purses mixed with diaper bags mixed with pants.  I just kept tossing stuff up there.  Yikes!

This project really didn't take all that long to do, mostly because 75% of the the clothes that were hanging in my closet do not currently fit me.  If it didn't fit the day I cleaned out my closet, it was placed in a tote to be re-evaluated in a few months when I am again a new size.

I love the idea of having only 33 items total in my closet, but haven't got my current wardrobe down to that number.  I think the idea of simplifying and not spending my weekends shopping for new clothes I do not need is the main take away from the idea of Project 333, and it is not necessarily about the exact number of items in my closet.  I plan to pare my closet down again in a few more weeks when the weather levels out and actually stays warm.

How big is your wardrobe?  Do you think you could live with 33 articles of clothing for 3 months?

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