
Thursday, March 20, 2014


I have a picture of my three children that I've been meaning to hang on my walls for quite some time now.  It is kind of an odd shape and doesn't look right hanging by itself no matter where I've tried to put it.  So I decided to hang it with a picture of myself and my husband but I needed another piece to hang with them (because I like to hang items on the walls in odds...don't question it, just nod and smile).

I decided to make my own little piece of artwork and share with you my process.  I am no Van Gogh, but I'm still happy with the results.

I grabbed a piece of cardstock, a pencil, some sharpies and a piece of material.

I then searched for a couple of fonts that I liked and used them as inspiration for what I wanted to write.  I found these two fonts here and here.

I used my pencil to sketch out a little saying.

Next, I filled it in with the colored sharpies and cut a piece of material to go around it.

Finally, I stitched the piece of cardstock to the material using a fun stitch and navy thread.

And here it is with the the canvas of my children and the photo of my husband and me.  I really love how it turned out.  And now I need to find a place on the wall.  I think I may need to take some old baby pictures of Ben and Alex down.

Sometimes art can be super simple.  Do you like to hang personalized art around your home?  Leave us a comment or post a picture to our facebook page.  We would love to be inspired by you!


  1. You may not be Van Gogh....but you were a Van Gordon!!! Love this post!
    Jenn Krinn

    1. haha! So true, Jenn. But I'm not sure that it is close enough even with the Van :)

  2. I love it! The picture could now be called vintage right? Haha.. The kids look so young!

    1. exactly Julie! The kids are all 2 in the picture which is crazy to see how different each of them looks at that age!


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