
Monday, February 24, 2014

Quick Tip Monday

Learning site words can be tough (and boring).  To add some fun and avoid the flashcards I made a game of it.
Pre-Kinders has some free printables for pattern blocks, so I printed off a few of those on cardstock.  Next, I grabbed my mini post-its (the tab kind), and wrote out words my daughter is learning.  You could skip this step and write directly on the paper if you'd like.  Since I am cheap frugal, and save the printouts for various other activities I used post-its that can quickly be removed or changed.  
This activity is quick to set up, and pretty self-explanatory.  My daughter puts the pattern blocks over the words as she reads them.  She gets to play with one of her favorite manipulatives, and she is learning to read in the process.


  1. Where do you like to purchase your manipulatives, Amy?

    1. These pattern pieces were part of a Melissa and Doug set. I also have a transparent set that we use with our light box ( ) that I picked up at United Arts and Education in Fort Wayne.


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