
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Brown Kraft Paper

I love shopping at Lowe's.  It is one of the few places to shop (other than the grocery store) in our small town.  A couple of years ago I came across brown kraft paper and my life has never been the same.  I bought a large roll and it has so many different uses around my house.  This past weekend, I was at the dollar store and saw that they sold rolls that were smaller in width.  I snatched them up and am planning to use them to cover a kids' table at a birthday party in the near future.

Here are some other ways I've used kraft paper.

1.  Large scale artwork

2.  Gift wrap (You know....the whole 'brown paper packages tied up with string' thing.)

3.  Use as a matte to frame children's art.

4.  Sewing pattern

5.  Birthday banner

6.  Paint with chalkboard paint to make a diy chalkboard

7.  Kid's craft

What are some creative uses that you've found for kraft paper?  I'd love to hear your ideas!


  1. This may be the only redeemable quality about Lowe's that I am aware of.

    1. *gasp* How could you say that??!! I LOVE Lowe's. I just like to go in there and walk around just looking to see what new things I might see.


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