
Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Embroidered" Art

I have a dream.  To stop pinning and start doing!
I've had this idea from JDC pinned for quite awhile and I decided to make my own version with materials that I had on hand.

I used:  
scrap material & scrap cardstock
glue gun & scissors
a nameplate
sewing machine & colored thread
marker & disappearing fabric pencil

I followed the basic method that Emily outlined in her blog post only I decided I wanted to "embroider" my letters instead of using paper.  I also decided to use the initials of mine and my husband's first names and last name along with our wedding date.

Here is how I did my fake embroidery.

1.  I typed the letters in the style that I wanted on my computer.

2.  I used my fabric pencil to sketch the letters onto the fabric.

3.  I then picked a couple of stitches on my computer that I thought would work to mimic the look.  Stitch 1 and 17.

4.  I used stitch 1 for the thin lines of the letters and stitch 17 for the thicker lines.

5.  After stitching the letters, this is what it looked like.

6.  I then placed the piece of glass on the back of the material.

7.  Hot glued the fabric in place and put it in the frame.

8.  I then hot glued the nameplate to the front.

9.  Cut out a piece of cardstock to fit and wrote our wedding date with a sharpie.

I'm very happy with the results and it is a nice personalized piece of art in our home.  It will probably end up in our bedroom but for now it is sitting on the piano. 

I cannot believe it has taken me so long to accomplish!  Is there anything that you have made off of pinterest recently?

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