
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reversible Burlap Basket

A few years ago a good friend encouraged me to start selling some of my homemade items.  I scoffed and said, ‘no one would buy this!’  Wow, I am so glad I tried, because there is a whole world of people who love handmade items, but just don’t have the skills or time to do it themselves.

Today’s project is one of my top sellers.  It is super easy to make, and if you make them in batches it doesn’t take very much time at all.  My photos will include various materials and 2 different basket sizes, but the process is unchanged. It's also good to note, that since we are making our own pattern for this, it's a great way to use up scraps or upcycle material since we can adapt the pattern to how much material is on hand. In case you are wondering, I use a 1/4 inch seam allowance for all of my seams.

First up, gather your supplies.
::Material of choice (I like to use burlap for one, but 2 coordinating materials could be used)
::Iron on Interfacing (I used a medium density one)
::Graph Paper, Pen, Scissors and Ruler (to create your pattern)
::Sewing Notions (thread, needle, scissors/Rotary Cutter)

Now we need a pattern.  I determined I wanted the base of one basket to be 8 inches by 8 inches so I measured out a 8 ½ by 8 ½ square using my grid paper.  The height of the basket is 6 ¼ inches, so I measured 6 ½ inches by 8 ½ for my rectangular sides.  I cut out four sides, and placed all my pieces together to form a cross/t shape.  I taped the pieces together.

Next, cut out the fabric, burlap, and interfacing.  If you have a cutting mat and rotary cutter, I would use them.  If not, scissors will work.  Also, some people like to cut their interfacing ¼ inch smaller than the fabric, because it creates less bulk when sewing.  I cut mine the same size as my material and for this project have no problems with extra bulk.  

After cutting the pieces, it is time to iron the interfacing to the the fabric.  Follow the directions that come with the interfacing.  Start in the middle of the material to avoid puckering or creases.  

Now it is time to sew.  I would start with the burlap.  You are creating a box without a top.  Sew all four sides of the box, making sure to backstitch and the beginning and the end of each piece.

When you are finished, it should look like this.

Now, the same process is done with the material/interfacing.  Make sure the right sides of the material are facing, and the interfacing is on the outside.  On one side of the material/interfacing leave a 2 inch section unsewn for later.  This is where we will pull the material through to make it right side out. 

Now, you should have two halves of a basket.  Trim the material/interfacing.  Iron the burlap.  These steps help create neat, crisp corners.

Turn the burlap so that the seams are on the inside of the box.  The material/interfacing should have the material on the inside of the box.  Place the burlap inside the material/interfacing box.  Straighten the corners out, and pin in place.  

Sew around the top of the the basket.  Snip any threads that are on the basket.  

Using the small hole left open on the side, carefully turn the basket right side out.

Straighten out the basket, and iron one more time. Using a needle and thread, stitch up the hole that the basket was pulled through.

I turn my basket so the material is on the outside and I topstitch the basket to help hold the material in place.

Ta-Da!  All finished and ready to be sent to the store to sell (or put on a shelf to hold things).

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