
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pillow Art

Since we have moved to our new place, we have been so busy with life that it just seems to be taking forever to unpack and make our house feel like home.  We finally had a break this past Saturday, so we could get some things done at our house.  I must say my husband totally rocked it and made more progress than I did.  After seeing all he accomplished in just one day, I made a crazy long (and unrealistic) list of my own to do this week.  
I started this week with high expectations to check off my whole list.  Long story, short I didn't end up checking anything off my list.  Between failed projects and a daughter who was craving attention this is what I did instead.  

While my daughter and I were just sitting around talking, I explained what I was doing in our office.  My goal is to make the spare twin-sized bed look more like a daybed/sofa.  She informed me that she loved the idea because pillows are the best (she is so my daughter).  Then, she went over to my stash of fabric and pulled out two different pieces she wanted in the room  She chose a New York themed print and a faux fur fabric.  I loved her choices.  The print was bright and cheery and pulled together some of the random colors in the room.  I made up some quick pillow covers, and she helped me stuff the pillows in.  

Lightbulb moment:  What if we decorated our own fabric to make a pillow?   

Using masking tape, I taped down some scrap paper on the counter and then taped down the material onto the scrap paper.  This held the fabric still so it was easier to draw, and helped us remember to leave a little space to sew around the edges.  I handed over my fabric markers and said, 'draw something you see in the city.'  Then I let her go.  

She was very methodical in her drawing.  She started at the top, and worked her way to the bottom.  She spent about 20 minutes drawing a cloud, sun, building, and people in the windows.  There was also a story to go along with it.

After she was done, I went over a few of the lighter lines, and added her name and date.  Then I sewed the fabric into a pillow cover.  I placed the pillows on the bed, and asked her to come take a look.  
Do you see that glowing smile?  She was so excited and proud to see her artwork as a pillow and to have been able to be part of decorating the house.

I still have lots more pillows to make before I think the bed will look complete, but we are on our way there, and I have an eager assistant ready to share her opinion on fabric.  How do you involve your kids in projects?

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