
Monday, October 28, 2013

Colorful Christmas Wreath

Today, I'm kicking off a week packed with a fall wreath challenge that we gave ourselves. Each day this week, be sure to check back as each of us covers a different approach to the fall wreath.

Okay, so technically, I cheated. And yes, I'm aware that it's not even November. But you guys, I'm one of those crazy crazies that could listen to Christmas music year round; this week, the Christmas bug bit in a big way and I embraced it. I begged my husband to watch a Christmas movie with me, and the man looked at me like I was nuts. He tried to shut me down until November, but once I decided to make this wreath, I knew the only way to do it right was while I watched Home Alone and sipped on hot chocolate. And so I did, and he begrudgingly watched with me, because he loves me; don't let him fool you, though - he fully enjoyed himself.

I'm not a traditional red and green, wintry type of Christmas decorator; I tend to hold more true to the "May your days be merry and bright" kind of cheer. I also wanted something that would coordinate with the colors outside of our house (yellow, teal and gray), to keep things pretty once it's socially acceptable to actually don it on the front door.

First, I made a handful of yarn poofs. I used a large serving fork, wrapped the yarn around it between 40-50 times, depending on the thickness of the yarn, and then tied it together using the space between the middle tines.

Once I took the yarn off of the fork, I ended up here:

Then, to get the finished poof, I cut all of the loops

Once I created all of my poofs in a handful of colors, I gathered all of the rest of my materials 

Of these, I ended up ditching the twine and dark blue poofs and subbed in some burlap.

The glitter pine cones were a $1 bin purchase from Michael's and came four to a package. I fluffed up the wreath, then laid everything out on top until I was happy with the way it looked, and then I hot glued everything into place.

I left a space at the top of the wreath, cut a long strip of burlap, and tied it on. 

Then I decided to gussy (yes, gussy) it up a bit by adding a bow. To accomplish this, I cut two strips of burlap, one longer than the other. I created a loop from the longer strip and placed it on top of the other.

Next, I pinched the layers into place and glued to hold it, before cutting a smaller strip of burlap and wrapping it around the center. Finally, I glued it into place, and voila! 

So, when is it socially acceptable to start putting up decorations? I usually try to hold myself to post Thanksgiving, but sometimes, excitement gets the best of me. Anyone else already dreaming of a white Christmas? Anyone else already crooning along to Michael Buble's Christmas album? Anybody? Bueller?

Stick around through the rest of the week to see what Ashley, Amy and Rachel have in store for you!

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