
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Supper--Don't Make It Difficult

I like experimenting with new recipes and I love making fancy desserts and wonderful meals.  About three times a year. 
Let's be honest.  With three kids, and ESPECIALLY during baseball season, it is extremely easy to fall into the trap of ordering pizza or picking up fast food.  The other day I was listening to a podcast interview with Jen Hatmaker and she mentioned a stupid easy throw together dinner and my ears perked up.  Homemade "pizza" on an open faced piece of french bread--I tried it and it really is simple.
French Bread
Mozzarella Cheese
Pepperoni Slices
(or whatever toppings you prefer)
1--Butter the bread and sprinkle it with s&p.
2--Add your my case pepperoni.
3--Layer on the cheese.
4--Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly.
5--Serve with green beans, watermelon, a salad...whatever you have on hand and Enjoy!

The thing that I love about this is that I can run into the store and grab the ingredients and get home and make it in under half an hour.  It is cheaper than anywhere we could grab food and, while it isn't super healthy, it is a lot better than McDonald's chicken nuggets.

PS:  Everyone but one child loves this supper.  You can't win them all over...I've stopped trying :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

DIY Play Microphones

My daughter wanted a Alvin and the Chipmunk/Chipette birthday party and so I tried to come up with some fun things for her friend party.  Since the Chipmunks love music, I decided to make it a 'rock out' party and the kids decorated a microphone and a guitar and then we had a dance party.  The microphones turned out super cute, so I thought I would share how to make them.
I saved toilet paper rolls for weeks or you could also use paper towel rolls.  I then purchased foam balls and my husband spray painted them with metallic silver spray paint for me.  After they dried, I hot glued them to the toilet paper roll around the edge and they were ready for the party.  You could have the kids decorate them with stickers or color them or pretty much anything.  They were a hit and super fun décor! Rock on!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wash me clean from my Guilt...

This is a pretty typical conversation in my household.

Husband:  How was your day?
Me: (spoken at Mach 10, and more high pitched than I care to admit) I KNOW, the house is a mess.  My day was crazy, it took us 4 hours to get through school today.  I tried to get laundry done while doing school, and then Owen unfolded all the laundry that was sitting on the sofa, so I had to do it again, and I am pretty sure more food ended up on the floor than in mouths at lunch today, and then we tried to do a craft but it was a total disaster, the creation is sitting over there with that pile of bills I haven’t got to.  Oh yeah, I did not call that company I was supposed to, but I did set up that appointment for you, and that was fun, because before I got on the phone I reminded Olivia to be quiet while I was on the phone, and she did great the first 15 minutes while I was sitting on hold, but Owen hit Olivia and screaming ensued the moment the operator came on and I basically just left the kids to fend for themselves so I could finish the call because quite frankly I couldn’t handle the elevator music any more and while I was on the phone Owen climbed up on the ladder and fell and now he has a nice welt on his forehead. And of all of that is why dinner isn't ready and the house looks like a bomb went off in here.
I feel guilty.

Instead of just answering my husband’s question, I looked around at what I perceive him seeing as he steps in the door,  (a mess of toys, books and plenty of food on the floor but nothing he can eat for dinner) and immediately feel the need to justify why.  

Why do I feel the need to justify what gets done in the day?  It’s not my husband’s fault.  When he walks in the door, he doesn’t mention the toys.  He is pretty great about scooping the kids up and talking to them to give me a few minutes to myself.  

It’s me.  For some crazy reason I put this burden on myself.  I have truckloads of guilt some days because I get to stay at home, and I don’t have to deal with a daily commute, or a boss and a deadline.  For the most part, I make my own deadlines, and if I feel like going to the zoo, we can or we can meet friends at the park.  In some ways, being a stay at home mom is a pretty sweet job (you know, minus the whole no income thing).  There are days where I actually seemed to have all my ducks in a row, and there aren’t any pressing chores on my to do list, the kids are playing quietly, and I sit down to read a book, and I just feel guilty.  As soon as I sit down my mind starts racing with all of the things I should be doing.

As I sat down to write this, I asked myself why I feel the need to justify my day to people.  Where is all of this guilt coming from?  Here are my personal reasons.

1 I want reassurance what I am doing is correct.
2 I want to prove my worth.  I try to justify ALL that I do in a day because I don’t bring home a paycheck every week.  Look at what I did today.  I am a contributing family member.
3 I am seeking praise from other people.
4 I am seeking help/counsel/advice.  

So where do I go from here?  
As a Christian, I am set free from this burden, so why am I carrying it?  
If I am completely honest with myself, I have fallen out of my routines.  I haven’t been consistently reading from my bible.  I haven’t been praying without ceasing.  There has been more than a few nights I have tucked children into bed with a “Thanks God for all that you do, We love you, Amen” as I sprint out the door to do more stuff.

This leads me to my first point.
I am making ‘work hours’ for myself.  I will have a clock in/clock out time.  During those hours I will do my best to get all my chores done, but if something doesn’t get done, it can wait until tomorrow.  I am stopping the madness of rolling out bed and immediately doing whatever chores I see need done, and dragging myself to bed each night weary from running around so much during the day.  About 30 minutes before my husband leaves for work, my time starts.  That gives me time to get his lunch packed, and breakfast started.  My kids go to bed at 7, and once they are tucked in, I am done with chores for the day.

But if my day is so busy now, how will I manage to get all I need to done in one day?  Any given day, I can tell you a lot of stuff I did, but very little of it is something that is needed.

Second Point
Too often I allow ‘If you give a mouse a muffin’ to take place in my home.  I roll out of bed and walk downstairs to read my bible, but first I will make some coffee, and then I will see the dishwasher needs unloaded, and then I will see that toy that needs put away and I let myself get distracted.  I am a distracted individual.  I tell my husband I just don’t have time in the day to do any more, but in reality I lose focus on what’s most important and I let menial tasks fill my day.  

Third Point
I am putting reminders throughout my house to help me remember to focus on what is most important.  I am a visual person, so notecards are being tacked up all over my home to remind me that
1) I am child of God, and I don’t need to prove my worth by doing more  
2) It’s ok to rest
3) I don’t need to carry this guilt.

Fourth Point
Lastly, I am drinking more water.  So much of my day is spent meeting other people’s needs (as I am trying to write this I am giving one child a back massage, and wiping another’s nose) I often forget to take care of myself.  If I don’t take care of myself, then I can’t take care of others.

What it all boils down to is this: I will never be able to meet all my family's needs. I wasn't made to. We are not created to have perfect homes, perfect families, and perfect lives, because if everything is perfect we don't need a Savior. So although we will never have it all together, we will have Jesus, and he can hold us together.

I would love to hear from you.  Do you feel you need to justify yourself as a stay at home mom?  Do you feel guilty when you rest?  How do you overcome the guilt?  Share in the comments below!  

**Photography done by Bambi Guthrie Photography

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Flowery Rusticy Centerpieces....for Any Occasion

Are you planning any parties this spring or summer?  Will it be outside?  Will it be inside?  Is it a birthday party or a Fourth of July party or an anniversary party?  Basically if you're going to have any sort of get together, I've got an easy centerpiece for you to throw together in less than 15 minutes.

Gather your supplies.  
Find an old shallow container (I used old pop crates) and a cluster of canning jars (or even glass mayonnaise or pickle jars will work).
Go to your local grocery and/or garden supply store.  Buy some inexpensive flower bouquets, hanging flower basket, or brightly colored annuals.  Make sure to check the clearance section.
Option 1:  Fill smaller jars with annuals and trimmings from a hanging basket.  This creates a lower centerpiece and after the event, you can plant the annuals in your yard.  Take your kids with you to the daughter picked these flowers out because she liked the spiky look.
Option 2:  Separate and cut the bouquets down and put one or two flower blooms in each jar.  When picking out flowers at the store, look for colors that fit your theme or just grab whatever is on sale and mix and match.  Once they are all clustered together, it will look great.
Let us know if you try this centerpiece idea out and feel free to post your picture to our facebook page.  We'd love to see your take on it!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

We Are Back!

After a break, the Mamas Together are back with some new posts.  Today's post is something my kids made for my mom for Mother's Day.  It involved paint so my kids automatically loved it.
I used masking tape to tape off the letters LOVE.  You can use any size of canvas you want, but I went with 2 smaller ones.
After letting my kids paint away, we let them dry a little while and then I pulled off the masking tape and the finished product was perfect! My mom loved the gift and has them proudly on display. It was a super easy and fun DIY gift that kids can be creative with. What fun DIY creative gifts do you make with your kiddos?