
Friday, April 10, 2015

Glove Monsters

Over our spring break my oldest son was begging me not just to teach him to sew but to make his own stuffed animal.  First we started looking for diy Pokemon stuffed animals since that is what he is really into right now, that looked way too complicated.  Then we searched for the type that just have two pieces of fabric, still looked like a lot of work for this not so patient at sewing mama.  I opted for one that my child could sew himself. With spring finally in full gear we had just gone through our box of gloves from winter.  What to do with all of those stray gloves that have no matches? Turn them into glove monster stuffed toys, of course!
The materials we used for our monsters are:
mismatched gloves
felt/scrap fabric
glue gun

First turn the glove inside out and sew at the cuff leaving a 2 inch hole to turn back out.  It is optional to sew over the thumb so that your monster only has four appendages instead of five, making it look less like a glove. Turn the glove back right side out, fill it up with the fluffy stuff, and sew the 2 inch hole shut. Let me tell ya- this kids sews better than his mother, he is quite the pro.  I might put him to work doing some mending for me in the near future, lol.  

Next up we cut out some teeth with our scrap fabric.  We used some embroidery floss to make one eye look like an x on the above critter.  We glued a smaller button on top of a larger button for some of the eyes.  Here are a few finished monsters below.  Parker has already made another one since these guys! This project was so much fun to do with him!

Another project I thought to do was take an old scarf you don't wear anymore and make a stuffed snake out of it.  Much cheaper than the ones from the zoo!  What kinds of home made toys have you attempted to make or thought of trying?